A month of minding your money & mental through budgets & Savings

In September, I will be 8 years officially in business.

My initial mission for AP Elite was to help my community all while doing something I enjoyed and happen to be good at. Through my experience, one thing stands true with every client I assist — one has to first have the MIND that they are goin to succeed.

Whether you realize it or not, your mentality, mood and mind directly affect your money. If you are not committed to the ideal of success, then you will have none. If you do not establish control, then money will control you. If you do not adjust how you use money, you will abuse money.

I say all this to say, that in May we’re getting our mind AND money right!

If you’re committed to minding your money and mental, TAP IN !!!

Today is May 1st and I believe in doing the heavy lifting first, so let’s start with a budget!

Use the link to download a Budget Template for just $2 or grab a sheet of paper and create a simple budget for yourself and/or household. I advise you write it in a nice notebook as reference — keep it nice and neat so you don’t dread looking at it. Don’t get tonight’s dinner on the page, you won’t respect it.

Budgets help to create a foundation and shape the lifestyle that you desire. Acknowledging your income is a part of mental health for some, maybe not you, but some — some are in denial at this very moment thinking that they can actual afford the lifestyle that they are living. Some are robbing peter to pay paul because of poor decisions and not lack of funds. A budget will give you a quick reality check when you see those numbers on that paper.

Now let’s get serious for a second…

When you’re working on your budget, MAKE SURE to factor in a monthly savings & I’ll tell you why.

Having a savings fund provides a confidence that only people with a savings know about. Start today, start somewhere.

That is my challenge to you — move some money over to your savings and let it rest.

Ahhhhh, How does that feel? Good right?

Download Budget Worksheet

Purchase AP Elite Financial Notebook


A Month of Minding Your Money & Mental: Take a Break


First Step to creating a recession proof budget